Nature photographer captures incredible image of a crashing wave that looks like a human face
Photographer Cody Evans enjoys capturing all types of imagery. His Instagram is filled with photos of birds, motocross, and stormy landscapes. One particularly stormy day in Ontario brought Evans to…
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The Picturesque Polish Village Where All 6,000 Inhabitants Live on the Same Street
Sułoszowa, a Polish village of around 6,000 people located in the Olkuska Upland, less than 30 km northwest of Kraków, has been dubbed ‘Little Tuscany’ because of its unusual layout….
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Mysterious Stone Spheres Uncovered: Unveiling 300+ Retrospheres Crafted between 600 and 1500 AD
The ѕtone ѕphereѕ of Coѕta Rіca refer to аn аrrаy of more thаn 300 рetrosрheres thаt were сreated between 600 аnd 1500. Theѕe myѕteriouѕ аrtifаcts аre known for theіr remаrkаble…
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Unusual Tree Bears Seductive Fruit with Vivid Red Lips
A plant similɑr To succᴜlents, is a species of floweɾing plant in the cold fɑmiƖy ThaT often grows ιn clusters or clusTers. Conoρhytum ρageae ιs naTιve To tҺe Cape Pɾoʋince…
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Explore the charming architecture of houses built from the trunks of ancient dead trees in Poland.
Home Nature Under a hollow tree in Chudów, Poland, is a house called Topola Tekla. Topola Tekla, a residence in Chudów, Poland, is tucked away in a hollow tree Topola…
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A bald eagle named Murphy went viral for adopting a rock at a Missouri bird sanctuary. Now, he’s a foster father to an orphaned eagle chick.
Murphy the bald eagle went from incubating a rock (left) to bonding with an orphaned eagle chick. A bald eagle who went viral for adopting a rock at a Missouri…
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I don’t be-leaf it! The bizarre fig tree that’s growing upside-down in the ruins of an ancient Roman town… and can still bear fruit
The ancient ruins of Baiae, near the modern city of Bacoli, in Italy are home to a botanical oddity known as the upside-down fig tree. Looking at the tenacious tree…
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125-Year-Old Lake Sturgeon is Believed to Be The Largest Ever Caught in the U.S. and The Oldest Freshwater Fish Ever Caught in the World
This fish breaks all sorts of records. DNR fisheries crew tagging the record-breaking sturgeon at the Shawano dam. The fish was then released to allow it to finish its spawning…
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Baby Elephant Buddies Frolics In The Middle Of The Road In An Adorable Video
If you are looking for something positive to spice up your day, this video is just for you. Two baby elephant buddies are spotted frolicking in the middle of the…
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The Secret Life of the Streaked Tenrec, Madagascar’s Striped and Spiky Wonder
The streaked tenrec is a peculiar little creature that looks like a cross between a hedgehog, a porcupine – and a zebra. And it sports a mohawk! Look at that…
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